The family fun day was held in the field on Balally Hill in the Summer of 2013. There are more photos in the gallery.
Quiz Night
A great evening in St. Olaf’s GAA Club at the BRA pub quiz on Thursday 16th May 2013.
And the winners are…
1st prize to the ladies: Patsy McGlynn, Phyllis Corrigan, Hilary Graves, Maureen Coughlan & Carmel Curran
2nd prize to Liam Corrigan, Ray Curran, John Perry and Cyril Hayes
3rd prize to Marie McDonnell, Tracy McDonnell, David Cahill, Michael Cahill and Barbara Cahill
Gardening Gems
Our members are a wealth of knowledge. One man in particular, who shall for now be known as Sam Johnson has lots of useful, quick and economical tips to share with us. Through the gardening page, he will help us residents get the most from our gardens with regular tips, hints and updates.
Have you sighed and groaned at the appearance of dandelions springing up in all the pathways and flowerbeds? Sigh no more…
We’ll provide updates every few weeks to recommend what to do through the months and seasons going forward. We also welcome your feedback and any useful tips of your own that you wish to share on gardening with your neighbours.
Santa Visit – Christmas Eve 2012

We welcomed Santa on his special annual visit to Balally. This year he walked around the whole estate with the committee carol singers. Children and adults eagerly waited outside their homes to greet him and join in the singing. Many whispered in his ear… everyone had been nice (not naughty, of course), some made last minute requests for gifts they wished for.
All his younger fans got treats of selection boxes and sweets. Carols were sung, Christmas wishes were exchanged with neighbours.
A unique occasion that Balally is renowned for. We hope the singers among you will come out in force in December 2013… don’t be shy, let us know now.
Photos are in the Gallery.