AGM on 19th Oct

Enjoy a chat and cuppa with neighbours and the Residents Association Committee at the AGM in the Hall at St Olafs School from 8pm on Wednesday 19th October.. You’ll hear the Chairperson’s report all about the work your Committee have undertaken in the past year, the Honorary Treasurer will present the Annual Statement of Accounts, the new Committee will be elected and we will address any other business. See you then!

Adopt a Tree at Balally Hill

Have you seen all the family hearts on the trees at the Hill? Huge thank you to all volunteers who adopted a tree at Balally Hill and will water their tree regularly to help it thrive. Each adopter received a handmade wooden heart with their family name to identify their tree… see them here and some of the background work creating and hanging them in our video reel!

Family Fun Day Thanks

Balally Resident’s Association Family Fun BBQ was a huge success!!! Thanks to all who came along, to the sun for shining 🌞 and those who volunteered to run it. Sit back and enjoy this video capturing some of the community spirit and great memories of the wonderful afternoon!

Observation on Marmalade Lane SHD

In January 2022, Balally Residents submitted an observation to An Bord Pleanala regarding Marmalade Lane Strategic Housing Development. This was mentioned in the Irish Times on 04 February along with the objections of other residents associations in the local area. Here’s the details of our submission.

  • The scale and size of this proposed 10 storey development of 531 buy to rent flats (which is taller and of greater density than previously proposed) will without question have a negative impact on the value of all homes in the surrounding area due to issues relating to overlooking, overbearing height, and lack of facilities to cater for significant additional traffic volumes (including parking which is already an issue in the wider Dundrum area).
  • The proposed no. of 531 units in this new application is an increase of 85 units to the existing permission of 446 units.
  • The area is dominated by one/ two storey residential properties. 10 storey apartment blocks are not in keeping with the landscape of the area. The development will dominate all of the surrounding area.
  • DLR sets a max height of 4 Storeys in suburban locations with an extra 2 being allowed given site-specific considerations: at 10 Storeys the height of the buildings exceed DLR County Development Plan by up to 4 storeys.
  • The INST designation sets a maximum density of 50 units per hectare – this proposal is 152 units per hectare (net density of 179 uph per the developer). This density level is out keeping with other developments in the area.
  • The INST designation requires that the open character of the land is preserved but the amount of land allocated to public open space by ABP decision 308157 is being reduced in this application, the proposal also requires building on land rezoned “F – to preserve and provide for open space” in the draft DLR County Development Plan. The plan proposes that Ballawley Park which is a PUBLIC park will one section subsumed into the development with existing mature trees and hedgerows removed. Any proposed new trees would take between 20 and 30 years to mature and provide camouflage. We strongly object to any portion of this public park being interfered with for a development such as this.
  • Provision for cars spaces is completely inadequate: with only 171 allowed for (down from 278 in the previous proposal), this represents a ratio of 0.22 while the ratio required in the DLR County Development Plan for this development is an average ratio of 1.1 car spaces per apartment; this will most definitely lead to nuisance parking in surrounding estates. The road infrastructure in the area is already at capacity.
  • 61% of the proposed apartments are 1 bedroom or studio and only 2% are 3 bedroom apartments. This contravenes both the current and draft DLR County Development Plans. The former only allows a max of 20% of one bed apartments in large developments while the latter requires that 20% of apartments have 3 bedrooms.
  • In addition to all of the above we note that the placement of the planning notice in relation to this application WAS NOT adequate – see pictures below – the notice was placed strategically behind a tree – as opposed to being placed in a conspicuous place where it would be visible and legible.
  • Balally Residents Association were very shocked to see the approval of the previous Marmalade Lane scheme (to which they also lodged an observation).
  • Balally Residents Association consider this revised proposal is an even poorer scheme than previously granted and it continues to contravene DLRCC County Development Plan 2016-2022. It is also contrary to the draft DLR Development Plan 2022 – 2028 as it stands and should NOT be permitted for all of the reasons outlined above.

Christmas Raffle Winners 2020

We are delighted to announce the results of our Christmas draw for everyone who paid their subs in 2020. Well done to the winners, and thanks for everyone who contributed.

Marta and Joe Pule, winners of the Christmas hamper
1stPoule family – Balally Road€150 Christmas Hamper
2ndLynda Hendley – Balally Drive€100 Sandyford House voucher
3rdAnne Gavigan – Balally Grove€50 Woodies voucher
3rdMc Arthur family – Balally Close€50 Balally Pharmacy voucher

New Year 2021 and Outdoors

Happy New year to all in Balally! We look forward to 2021 and hope to have more opportunities to meet with our neighbours to make our estate a great place to live.

If you’re looking to get outdoors, remember that there are plenty of great parks and locations close by (within 5km) to make lockdown a little bit easier.

Ballawley, Fitzsimon’s Wood, Deer Park, Marlay, Cabinteely are easy to get to (

We’re also within reach of the Dublin mountains at Ticknock and Kilmashogue.

Or if you fancy getting to the sea, then Sandymount Strand and Booterstown/Blackrock parks are also nearby.

Stay safe and Happy New Year!

Annual Subs Reminder 2020

Now Accepting PayPal

As usual at this time of year we are collecting our membership subscription of €25 per household. While we cannot call to your door due to Covid-19 restrictions, we encourage you to pay securely online with debit or credit card at If you would like to pay using a bank transfer, please drop us a message using our Contact Us form, and we will send you BIC and IBAN details. Alternatively, you should have received an addressed envelope that you can use to pay in cash and drop to your assigned road representative.

If you have already paid, then thanks for your support!

Continuing to Work for You

While your residents association has had to postpone some of our events due to Covid-19, we continue to work on your behalf to make our estate a great place to live. With your contribution, we will be able to continue all estate management activities to ensure our neighbourhood is maintained to the highest standard. We will manage all communal grass cutting, weeding, edging and planting and run the annual clean-up Week, litter pick and anti-graffiti activity. We are representing our members in conversations with the council on issues and decisions that may affect you, including parking/traffic issues on Balally Park and Sandyford Road, cycle lane introduction, and proposals for Active School Travel routes through the estate. We will also continue our programme of printed and online communications to ensure you are kept up to date on all activities and we look forward to running some exciting social events when allowed to do so!

Our Christmas Prize Draw!

As a thank you, all residents who pay their sub before 18/12/2020 will be entered into a draw to win some fabulous Christmas gifts which we will purchase from local retailers to help support our local economy:

  • 1st Prize: €150 Christmas Hamper from SuperValu Balally
  • 2nd Prize: €100 voucher for the Sandyford House
  • 3rd Prize: €50 voucher from Balally Pharmacy
  • 4th Prize: €50 voucher from Woodies