A message from Richard Nolan Civil Engineering about road works for ESB Networks from 4-15 March2019:
Dear Resident,
Please be advised that Richard Nolan Civil Engineering will be carrying out concrete reinstatement Works for the ESBN on Balally Drive commencing on the day of the 04/03/2019 for the 2 weeks. Works will resume outside the temporary reinstated patch. Works will be carried out between 9:30AM and 5PM. While these works are taking place some carparking spaces on the road will be taken up.
We would greatly appreciate your co-operation and patience during these essential works. Access and egress will be accommodated at all times. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused by our works and are eager to finish these works and leave the resident community in peace.
Richard Nolan Civil Engineering intends to complete these works with minimum disruption to residents and road users. Arrangements can be made with on-site crew to facilitate and assist residents.
Richard Nolan Civil Engineering would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused as a result of the works. If we may be of any assistance or you have any queries regarding the works, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time either on site or by contacting the number below.
Richard Nolan Civil Engineering Ltd
RNCE Head Office