Community Alert Launched

Today we launched the Community Alert service for Balally and Sandyford Road. Gardai will send notifications directly to everyone registered to help prevent or reduce crime in the area. The Residents Association will also send messages about important local events.

Please visit the registration page for more information and add your mobile or email to the list.

As always, if you see suspicious activity in the area, please contact Dundrum Garda station on 01-6665600.

Stockwell Planning Update

An Bord Pleanála have advised of an order by their board to refuse planning permission for Stockwell on Sandyford Road.

An Bord Pleanála’s reasons and considerations this time mention having regard for the form, scale and layout of the development, the location next to lower scale detached dwellings, the loss of privacy for existing residents. and the fact that the proposed layout was planning for expansive parking and access roadways, with limited substandard qualitative functional open space . Their view was that this would give rise to a poor standard of development and would be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.